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urine question

19 10:38:53

Hi i bought a staffordshire bull terrier puppy yesterday he is 6 weeks old. He keeps dripping urine everywhere and not urinating properly all the time, can you tell me is this normal if not can you tell me what you think could be wrong with him please, thank you

You bought this puppy way too young; puppies should be 8-9 weeks old before separating them from their dam and littermates to insure that they have learned to "talk dog" and to learn to inhibit their bites.

At this age they urinate everywhere, and quite frequently. Since you have just gotten this puppy, he should be seen by a veterinarian to make sure that he is healthy and parasite-free (take in a stool sample), and since you suspect that there might be something wrong with him, you definitely need to get him into a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. You might want to consider returning the puppy and getting your money back, and I most certainly would do that if there is something wrong with the dog.