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elderly American Eskimo

19 10:20:54

Our American Eskimo is 16 years old and in the last six months has lost interest in eating.  He is down 11 lbs. and is very weak.  He seems hungry and starts to sniff his food but usually backs off.  The vet has taken an x-ray and done blood work, but finds nothing significant.  He had intermittent diarrhea for the first few months when this started.  We had him on Purina EN dog food, metronidazole and fortiflora.  He did better after stopping those things.  The diarrhea has mostly subsided in the past month.  In the last week, when he does eat a little something, he vomits clear foamy mucus with the food in the middle of it.  His teeth aren't good, but he will eat a milk bone occasionally with no trouble biting it.  We have tried feeding him every type of dog and human food to get him to eat.  The vet thinks that may be part of why he won't eat now.  Any ideas?  Thank you.

Hi Ronnie,

Feeding your dog every type of dog and human food to get him to eat, will make him finicky, but it wouldn't take away his interest in eating, or cause intermittent diarrhea, significant weight loss or vomiting.

At this point, just getting your dog to eat is what's important.  Because of your dog's bad teeth, I will assume you're either softening your dog's food, or you're feeding him canned food. Try mixing a little scrambled egg (cooked with very little oil or butter) into his regular food. Another option is to mix in jarred baby food, or a little cottage cheese. Adding a little cooked white rice to your dog's regular food can heap firm up his stools.
Try warming the food, that releases the food odors which might help entice him into eating.

Feed your dog several small meals during the day, rather than one or two large meals can help too.

There are two products you may want to look for: Enercal High Calorie Gel, and Nutrical Gel are both appetite stimulants which also add a source of calories. Your vet could also prescribe an appetite stimulant if you need one.

Best of luck,