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10 week old American Eskimo pup

19 10:05:43


I was in the process of crate training my pup, however, the crate may have been to big (or something) because he has peed in it, and I know that dogs don't generally pee where they sleep. Now that he has done this will the crate training still work? or will he always pee in there now? Also, he likes to be outside on the patio more than being inside, which is okay during the day (I don't have to worry about my carpet) but at night he likes to sleep out there... he prefers outside rather than in my bed or even in the crate (he was doing so well with the crate) Is it okay to let him sleep out on the patio at night? it is warm, and he cannot escape. Also, he's not much of a leash and collar type ... any idea's on the training of that? Any information would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Hi Ashley,

If your puppy came from a pet store, he had no choice but to soil in his crate, and this can make crate training more difficult.

If the crate is too large, you can buy special spacers that will make the crate the correct size, until your puppy grows, at which time the spacers can be removed.

Don't give up on crate training your puppy just yet. Clean the crate with an enzymatic cleaner, such as Nature's Miracle or Simple Solution, so your puppy won't be tempted to soil again. Remove any bedding your puppy has in the crate, sometimes this helps stop crate accidents.

All puppies prefer to be somewhere else, and not in their crates. This is normal, they are social animals who like to play and explore, and have a good time. However, not crating your puppy won't help in crate training him. You didn't say how old your puppy is. My concern would be in him bonding with you, if he spends too much time outside alone.

No puppy is "a leash and collar type". It's something a puppy needs to be trained to accept. Your role as a dog owner is not to give into your puppy's whims and preferences, but to train him. Read more about that here:

Best of luck,