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outdoor kenneling

19 11:47:39

Hey, I have a labardor reetereiver she goes nuts whenver someone walks through the alley behind our house, whenever tehre are birds in the alley/squiels or birds on or in nearbytrees...she barks alot is what I'm saying she can hardly be outdoors for a few minutes before she starts barking like an idiotand she runs the fence and jumps on itlike a savage dog when even I know if she would get out when she sees the dog being walekd or school kids walking she would just go smell them and proably be scared of them but shes a good gaurd in that sense but its getting anoying after 3 years! Also the back fence isnt extremly well made its getting old and rotten adn I fear if she ever gets out someone might hurt her(shes only let out when someone is home never left alone out tehre when wre not at home) thinking shes aggressive so I want to do something this summer. Firstly let me say we've a large yard around 200x200 feet...its huge to me anyway.... we have a cement pad by the house and a few trees around the yard for shade but none near the cement pad the garage shelters that from the sun most of the day. I want to get a Chain link dog kennle/run   for her any my other small dogs whcih dont experaicne these barking fits for there sake and mine....what would happen to her if she did bite a teasing child or stray dog for instance.  They dont make them real big where I am i see them in kits in the pet shops about 4 feet wide and 6 feet long or 4 feet by 10 feet with a gate and you bu the black cover theing seprately they are also between 4 and 6 feet tall depending on what you want I guess...something like this...this is a bigger modle I'm not sure if I can find it in canada:

would this be worthwhile buying? they are 300-400 bucks here and I'd hate to buy it bring it home set it up and have to take it apart and take it back. Can teh trio be left in this for outdoor time for a few hours on nice days instead of being let loose in the whole yard wreaking havoc? do you persoanly think my lab would go nuts for being kenneld outside and still bark at passers by even if she is about 100 feet from the fence where the people/kids pass by?. I would make apermant struture for the dogs but we are renting so that isnt possible. A outdoor run also would let me know there outside enjoying the weather but not digging under the fence or breaking done the fence and I'm all for buying one I dont mind putting 300 bucks into this as long as it would work for me and them. I mean I feel it crule to elave them in this all the time when there outside but when I'm outdoors or an family member is outdoors with the dogs I could leave them run the ayrd or wehn we play fetch for instance they could be let in the whole motive isnt keeping the grass green lol we have no grass in our yard just packed down dirt was like that since we moved in 3 years ago so my intentions are purely for my dogs sake. please I know this is a very long and maybe hard to read question but I need some insight for another long time dog owner like youself, thanks for youre help.

Well,allot of people use outdoor kennels like this and the dogs are just fine-so I think your dog should be ok with one

But it does sound like your dog might benefit from obedience training,as trained dogs are often calmer now what they can and can't do