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My dog smells

19 13:33:34

I have a mixed breed black lab.  I've had her for four years and she has never smelled before like this.  It seems to be located in the back region of her.  It smells like she rolled in a dead animal, but I have bathed her and she still smells.  Its not all the time, and it just started about a week ago.  I'm getting ready to go to the vet, but if there was something that I could do I would.  It is just odd because its not all the time, but it is really obtrusive.  Please Help!!!!

Hi Darla,
She may have impacted anal glands. Your Vet can release them and even show you how to do it.  This is more common in smaller breeds but some of the larger breeds, such as yours can be affected.  I can't say for sure this is the problem, but it sounds like it.

God Bless,