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problem with dog

19 13:58:57

My mom has a 1 1/2 year old female dog that is a Chow and German Shepherd mix.  For the past couple of weeks, her dog has been scratching and chewing her chest, tail, back legs, and her bottom.  My mom thought that she had fleas and she gave her a couple of flea baths and put Advantix on her but she showed no signs of improvement.  In fact, she seemed to get worse.  She has red bumps all over her body.  She has been whining and she won't let my mom touch her lately.  My mom wants to know if there is anything she can do to help her.  She wants to take her to the vet but can't afford to do so for another few weeks.  Any information you can provide would be helpful.  Please help!  Thanks!

Hi Katina,  Could other bugs be biting her like ants, mosquitos or anything like that?  She also could be allergic to something she is lieing on like a sheepskin rug or something.  When you are dealing with something like this, you have to use a process of elimination to solve the problem.  Have you treated the area for fleas?  Even if you treated the dog for fleas, it doesn't mean the fleas aren't jumping on her and dieing when they bite.  She could be allergic to their saliva, which is left behind when they bite & die, so that is another alternative to look at when it comes to a situation like that.  So treating the area for fleas is important too.  hope this helps,
