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Puppy peeing in Crate and dog bed

19 13:57:45

Hi Labman,

We have a new puppy 9 weeks old (Doberman). He is very good durning the day and will not pee or poo in the house. He tells us when he has to go out. However, he is peeing in the crate at night even though we set the alarm, wake up, take up the water several hours prior to bed etc. He will not pee in the crate during the day.

He will also pee on any soft material (ie dog bed) during the evening even if he has just been out?

Any help or ideas??

Thank you

You are already doing what I would suggest to prevent it.  Perhaps I can help you cope with it in hopes he outgrows it.  Replace the bedding with a wire rack.  A wire rack in the bottom will help keep the puppy up out of accidents at first. They are available with the crates, but a piece of closely spaced wire closet shelving from a home supply place is cheaper.  I doubt the rack is as comfortable as the bedding, but I always start my puppies that way.  I don't use bedding even after I don't expect accidents.  By that time, you can't trust Labs not to chew it up and choke on the pieces.