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kidney failure

19 14:30:33

3 vets have told me to put my 10 year old lab mix to sleep,she has congestive heart failure,now the kidneys are bad,she cant eat,but i forced some down her,i know she is dying,but i dont know if i have the right to decide when,i know she cant get better,here are the blood results . may 14-B-OVER 130, CLEATINE 6.71 . PHOS OVER 16. MAY 17 124 B ..7.89 CREATINE,, 13.95 PHOS,  LIVER IRRATATED,BUT SECANDARY, i know she has to die,but can you tell me how i will know when and if i should end her life,one vet says i will know,that when i feel nothing but missery and say,i cant do this anymore,and when she looks misserble, i have to give her two shots a day,two pills and two bags of fluid,this is the 2nd day,she does not seem to be in too much pain,she just got up and went outside,she is laying out there looking at her old stomping grounds,and she wags her tail and presses up agianst me when i lay beside her,but she shows no interest in anything,and im afaird she wants to go out side to die,can you tell me anything?thank you,her name is snooker,

Decidnig to put your pet down is one of the hardest things in the world to do!  I agree that when you think it is right.  When she is in alot of pain all the time and she will let you know she can't go on, but also if the medication is costing you alot, that is something else to consider if you know she isn't going to be around much longer.  Some people can't can't put thier dogs to sleep because it is to hard for them, you have to decide for yourself.  I will keep Snooker in my prayers.  Good Luck