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Cyst on back hip

19 13:38:44

Since you've been a groomer... I'm hoping you might be familiar with what this could be.
My Giant Schnauzer has a cyst on his back hip area... about the size of a nickel.  I found it when I was giving him a bath.  As I was shampooing him it seemed to be oozing a brown (motor oil looking) fluid.  Do you have any idea what this could be and if it is serious?

Hello Karen, If it is indeed a cyst, then yes I have seen them ooze.  The reason it could be a brown color is it might be fluid with a little bit of dried up blood in it.  Usually cyst are never serious, what is serious is if they consistently break open leaving the dog susceptible to infection or even an abscess.  There are times when I groom a dog and a scab will come off the cyst and drain but does not appear to be raw or abnormal.  Keep an eye on it and if it concerns you because it does not seem to be healing or you suspect infection then see your vet.  Depending on how old your dog is, if this seems to a reoccurring problem then having it removed might give you peace of mind.  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)