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my dogs shortness of breath

19 10:54:35

I have a 2-year-old lablador who recently has developed shortness of breath and gets easily tired. I also have noticed he drinks lots of water and from time to time sneezes and snores. He is not overweight and gets his regular exercise. He is otherwise a healthy dog. Does he have some respiratory or cardiac condition? I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi Joanna,

There are many physical problems that can cause pets to have shortness of breath.

Have you had your dog tested for Heartworms? Transmitted by mosquitoes, heartworms are parasites that spend their lives in the heart or lungs, damaging tissue, blocking blood vessels, and making breathing difficult.

Asthma can also cause breathing difficulty. Canine Dog Asthma is a respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing; usually of allergic origin. The breathing becomes difficult; the animal gapes and makes a lot of effort to breathe.

An obstruction in the windpipe can make it very difficult for a pet to catch his breath. Pets will occasionally swallow objects, such as a small ball, that can lodge in the trachea, blocking the flow of air.

Dogs sometimes get colds, flu, or other infections that cause large amounts of mucus or fluids to accumulate in the chest. Fluid buildup in your pet's chest means that the lungs don't expand the way that they should.

There are lots of other things which might be the problem, including  heart disease. I couldn't begin to guess at what your dog's problem is, for one thing I'm not a doctor. What's the use of guessing, your dog deserves much better than guesswork, right?

If your dog is having trouble breathing even with mild exertion, then he needs to be examined by your vet. Make sure you tell your vet that you think your dog has been drinking more water than usual, that could be an important detail.

Best of luck,