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Skin discoloration on my Jack Russell

19 13:39:41

I own a 7 year old JRT, Roxie.  In the last couple of months her skin has become darker.  It seems like it happened rather quickly.  She seems to sleep alot more than she use to.  I think it's just aging but my husband thinks it may be more.  Was wondering if you knew if that is normal for a dogs skin to get darker as they age.  Thanks for your help.  Diana

Just like people, dogs can definitely have changes to their skin pigment as they age.  Also, just like people, changes in skin pigment can also be a sign of more problems.  If her skin has changed texture in those areas, or becomed raised, I would definitely have her skin biopsied to check for cancer.  Since you report that she is sleeping more than usual, it would certainly not hurt to take her in for a physical anyway.  Dogs are considered "senior citizens" once they reach about 7 years of age, and it is a good idea for them to have physicals twice a year, plus annual bloodwork, even if they appear to have no problems.  Hopefully she has just developed some age spots though.
