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lateral luxating patella?

19 10:25:26

QUESTION: Our new Golden Retriever Jack came from a reputable breeder with all clearances on both sides.  Jack who is now four months was sitting on my lap about 3 weeks ago and I heard a "crack"..he does not favor his leg...does not limp and plays pretty hard with my 9 year old golden..Jack is the dominant one.  The vet said he had bi-lateral luxating patella. He did not think it was from any injury, but rather genetic...I am heartbroken and will if needed have the surgery. It is possible that this can correct itself the more he grows? The breeder is dumbfounded. Guess I picked the wrong pup...also has tear marks and flaky skin.  I have him on fish oil and also 750mgs of gluclosomine.  He weighs about 30 pounds.  Thanks!

ANSWER: There are some resessive genetic problems that can go several generations without showing up.  The breeder should avoid crossing those lines again.  

As far as treatment, keep him lean and work with the vet.  

Fish oil completely lacks the essential linoleic acid dogs need for their skin and coat.  Almost any vegetable oil would be better.  Feed a decent chow and as little else as possible, seldom if ever bathe the dog, and brush it daily with a soft bristled brush. You might add a teaspoon a day of liquid cooking oil to its food.  Often it is best to stick withthe chow the puppy was weaned on to 4 months.  Then switch to a adult chow to slow growth and give the joints more time to develop.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How successful is the surgery for lateral luxating patella.  My vet specializes in ortho...but a wing onto his facility just for ortho problems.  Would olive oil everyday be acceptable?  He has tear marks by his eyes....could this be a simple teething process...He is a light other golden is dark and I think he had that when he was a pup, but it was not noticeable.  Thanks again

As I explain in my profile, I am not comfortable giving medical advice.  I really can't say how successful the surgery would be.  

If you don't like corn or soy oil, try canola.  

Our 4 month old Golden has the tear stains too.  They aren't near as bad as they were at 9 weeks when we got him.