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female American bull dog.

19 11:53:22

My dog is about 10 or 11 years. i got her when she was 5 or 6.  In the past she has had periods maybe twice a year. this year she has not have one but i see discharge hanging from her. it's thick and kind of clear.could this be the end of her period?

Hi Ann,

As a female dog ages, her fertility does drop off but she will not go through menopause as humans do. Dropping off of fertility with age does not mean she cannot become pregnant.

Female dogs usually have pretty regular intervals between their heat periods until they reach their "senior" years. At this time, the heat periods tend to have longer intervals between them, but won't ever to completely stop.

Some dogs have changes in their estrus cycles because of low thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism). Female dogs with hypothyroidism often cycle erratically. When they do pass through estrus or "heat", they are often infertile. Not having bloody discharge when in heat might mean your dog is infertile, so she should be checked for hypothyroidism. Other signs of this condition can include lethargy, weight gain, hair thinning or hair loss, flaky skin, and increased susceptibility to skin infections.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
