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about my yorkie

19 13:49:43

hi i have a 3 month old yorkie male. he has a gentle and quiet personality. i like to know how to get him to walk with me on the streets or park. when we are at a park (grass area) all he does is sits or lay down. i tried offering him a treat or walking away and wait and see if he follows me. both dont seem to work. also he has this bad smell coming from his ears. any suggestions?

The bad smell coming from his ears is likely to be ear mites and needs to be treated by a vet.
As far as the walking goes, lying down and refusing to move is a sign that he is nervous and uncomfortable with the situation.  I'm guessing he probably also pants while he lies down.  You need to get his confidence in you to increase, I would suggest a dog training class would benefit you both.  If he sees you as a strong leader he will be more inclined to follow you unquestioningly.  At the moment I suspect he has a few doubts as to your leadership abilities and thats OK for the most part as its not causing any other problems as he has a naturally submissive personality, but for you both to enjoy your walks it needs to be worked on.  The dog training class will give you the tools to be a firm and fair leader and will help him trust in your leadership which will in turn mean he is more confident in himself.
Hope this helps.