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my dog has an eye problem

19 9:45:49

my dog woke up yesterday and had some redness in her eye but i was not concerned, this morning she woke up and the corner of her eye was swollen or at least the inner tissue of the corner was the eye is still red and now is watery. as the day has progressed so has the swelling, it is beginning to push on her eye. what can i do for her? can you help?

Hi Amb ra

Thank you for writing to me about your dog's eye problem.  It sounds like the condition is worsening rather rapidly and not getting better.  I therefore urge you to take her to the vet as soon as possible.  You didn't mention observing any pus so this could be a bite or something going on behind the eye that can't be seen from the outside.  Whatever it is, it should be seen and treated by your vet.

In case it's a bite, I would recommend giving some children's benedryl and see if the swelling reduces.  If it doesn't then your vet would be the next step and as fast as possible.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis