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Resident Shih Tzu not warming up to new puppy

19 11:36:20

Hi! I have a 1 1/2 shih tzu male who I love, love, love! I have had him since he was 6 weeks and must admit he is spoiled rotten. My husband and I considered getting another shih tzu puppy when the first was around a year old but waited and just brought home a 3month old male shih tzu. The resident dog wants NOTHING to do with the new puppy. He almost acts afraid. When the puppy comes near him, he runs off. He is particularly upset with me and is almost avoiding me. I have made a point to do everything with him first, puppy second. I have not changed his sleeping patterns...he sleeps with us, puppy in kennel. And, we make sure to give him his special alone time. We have only had the puppy two days, but I am so scared that we made a big mistake. Do you think that Ditto (resident dog) will warm up to the I just need to be patient? Or have I made a huge mistake that could ruin my first dog? Please advise...I am very worried. By the way, no aggression on either dogs parts. Thanks!

They should end up just fine, and your dog should be the same with you. Just time. What you could do to speed up the process is whatever your dogs favorite treat is,  get armed with loads.  Get him and the pup together with you, at first he may be reluctant,  but do it in as small a space as you have. A bathroom or hall or similar. Once the resident dog calms down (which at some point he will) encourage him to come to you,  and reward him with hugs and treats.  Or you can buy him a new toy that only gets played with when the pup is near, keep it out of his reach the rest of the time. The point of all this is to condition him to realize that the pups presence means fun and treats, and that he is beneficial to be near.  These exercises should also make his bond close with you again.
Your resident dog is simply feeling threatened and worried by a new younger male. You could always consider neutering your older dog.

Tell me how you get on.