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Target Potty Training

19 11:37:39

I need advice on training my dog to go potty in a specific area.  She is a 1yr 4mos old GSD and we love her very much.  However, last summer as a puppy her potty didn't wreck the lawn and this year has been pretty brutal.  

My husband has asked me to make her go in one of two non-lawn areas on the property and I just spent over an hour with her and she won't do it.  She sits there and stares at me intently, then when I look away or act nonchalant she trots over to the lawn and pees.

I am positive she is clueless as to what I want, but I find it bizarre that even tho her bladder is full she just keeps HOLDING it.  Ideas?

Ok.  The reason she doesnt understand is that she has been using the grass since she was a puppy, and can't possibly understand why things have changed.  You could try getting some of her toilet and putting it where you would like her to go. You could also get a pen type thing for her, and put it in the area you want her to go,  so that she can't go to the grass.  She will eventually have to go there,  when she does praise and reward her.  Go from there.  

Tell me what you think?