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Dogs are sneezing & sucking air

19 10:04:33

hi! i have 3 dogs, the puppy got stung by something (i know because her snout swelled up twice its size, gave her some benadryl & she was fine)ever since then, she has been sneezing & "sucking air", now my other two are doing this. Is this allergies? It started all of a sudden and can't afford to take all 3 to the vet at once, specially if its allergies! If it is more serious, they WILL GO! The two adults are vaccinated, the puppy is going in in a month.
Please help!

I am not sure what you mean by "sucking air", but it sounds like it could be "reverse sneezing".

I've had many dogs over the years, but have only had a couple that did that every now and again, so for you to have three dogs doing it at the same time makes me think that they might have some sort of respiratory problem they are sharing. While this can sometimes be due to allergies, it would be highly unusual for three dogs to have allergic symptoms at the same time. If you see other symptoms, they should probably be looked at. Generally a dog that does this occasionally is nothing to worry about.

With our Woofie, I would just cup my hand and gently "pound" him over the shoulder blades a couple/three times, and he would quit. Some people put their hand over the dog's nostrils for a few seconds to stop the snorting.

The first link has a couple videos of reverse sneezing: