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What kind of Clippers

19 14:04:21

Hello Cindy,
    I have a cocker spaniel Fem that I've been grooming since a puppy I've been using one of those cheap walmart clippers with the plastic detachable size steps.  Its always worked great for me until my mother used them on her shetland sheepdog now they dont cut at all and seem to overheat quickly-ANYWAYS..... I want to get a new set of clippers-something simple with no blade changing for sizes or this or that.  Want to pull out of box and cut without worrying about different size blades and such want to spend $120 or less on a simple to use comes with attachments virtually maintenance free set pretty simple. Give me a few choices dont want to be stuck with only one  

Hello TJ, My best advice to you is to go to this website:   everything for pet grooming you will find at this site.  'Also you might consider just getting your blade sharpened on the clippers you already have.  Oster in McMinnville, TN will do a good job. Good luck, Cindy lou :)