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MY Dog eating in middle of the night

19 14:03:22

I have a mini dachshund she is 4yrs old and for the past month she has been waking up at 3:00am in the morning to eat. How can I stop her from doing this? I try to not feed her but she will keep barking until I feed her. What can I do?  

Hi sue;
It is called "I am spoiled, and I'm running this house".LOl
Four legged kids get spoiled just like two legged kids do, and sometimes get their dys and nights mixed up.
do you feed her once or twice a day?
I feed mine twice a day. Each feeding is half their daily diet amount.
I just think 24 hours is too long for them to go on empty.
If you feed her twice a day, you might move up her dinner feeding a couple of hours, and feed half her normal dinner feeding, then just before bedtime, give her the rest of her dinner feeding, and take her out to do her business.
If she is fed only once a day, she may just be getting too hungry. feeding her twice a day may stop it.
If that doesn't work, and she is still barking, because she is just spoiled and wants that attention, try getting a Kong toy. You can put some cheese or peanut butter in it.
That toy is hard enough they can bite off pieces they can choke on, and it gives them the gnawing they need and want. Putting a little cheese or peanut butter inside it, they have to dig with their tongue and teeth to get it, and it takes a good while for them to et it out. that should hold her till morning.
Dachshunds are one of the breeds I think it is a little easier to spoil, because they are so darned cute, and have such cute things they do to entertain us ( and to work us.LOL)
I hope this helps give you some idea to help with this problem.
Write me, please, and let me know how this comes out.
If it doesn't work, we will put our heard tigether and think of something else.