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worried about my dogs pregnancy

19 9:41:01

QUESTION: hi my name is Sarah and i have never had a pregnant dog before and i have recently taken her to the vet and he said she was due in 3 days and that was 11 days ago and i'm worried there is something wrong she has a bit of clear discharge but i was wondering when will i know if she is in labour

ANSWER: Sarah,
Please let me know right away....Is she panting or acting stressed in any way...Is she hiding under beds?   If she was due in 3 days and it is 11 day later, she needs to go back to the vet because she could lose her pups or die herself if there is a puppy blocking the canal.
If you know the exact dates she bred with the male, you count 63 days and she should have her puppies...Take her temp if it low  around 98-100 and keeps fluctuating she could be in trouble...You didn't tell me what kind of breed she is...or the breeding dates, please get back to me with this information so I can be of more help

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: she isnt panting and isnt hiding under beds but is lying on her side an awful lot but at some times is quite active she looks quite content doesnt really look stressed

If it was early January, she is way overdue,,,,She could be getting infected inside from dead pups.. although usually there is a green or black discharge...You need to get her to the vet...are you sure it was January?  It is really important to remember the days if you can....I hope everything turns out ok for you and your dog....Please let me know....I am hoping you are mistaken about the breeding dates.....