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Aussie Terrier ate a Sparrow

19 11:45:41

Hi Patti, last night I came home to find the remains of a sparrow in my bedroom - just a foot, a feather, and what looked like lungs. My Aussie, Skylar, obviously ate the head, beak, wings, etc. - is this going to make her sick? Should I be running her to the vet? thanks, Amy

Hi Amy,

It's actually natural for a dog to eat it's "prey" (bones and all), it's just that as a house pet we humans find it disturbing.

Watch your dog for signs of a possible problem, such as loose or bloody stools or vomiting. If one of the birds bones nick your dog's intestines, you might see a little blood in her stool.

If your dog is acting normal, and continues to eliminate as she should, then there's no need to worry.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
