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Old Poodle with baby

19 11:11:00

I have a 10 year old male (neutered) toy poodle who has been my baby since he was born. Until recently, now I have a husband and a 1 year old little girl. The poodle (Trigger) did really well at first adjusting with her, until recently, now he will lunge across the room, lay his ears back, show his teeth and growl. I have seperated him in another part of the house with a baby gate so he can still see me. But he now growls at her and anyone else except me that gets too close. I really have no idea how to handle this situation, because I feel like I am torn between two children. I know my priority lies with my daughter but PLEASE give me a little advice on what you think I should do.


Jeani, it could be due to his age (he may be developing dementia), or he could feel like his place in the pack is being threatened. I would strongly suggest "Nothing in Life is Free (NILIF)" with him, and for SURE do not allow him access to your daughter right now!

You can find lots of information about NILIF by doing a search for it at

I would recommend that you consult with a local dog trainer that has experience dealing with aggression, and especially because your daughter is at risk.