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My Maltipoo, Shelby

19 9:41:28

I have a malitipoo I got as a puppy.  She is now 2 years old, is my little princess, and very well behaved.  As a first time dog owner, I was surpised at how much I could love a dog.  I'm 44 and never owned one until recently and undoublty will have one the rest of my life.  Shelby was recently diagnosed with traceal collapse and the medicine is holding her well.  She also has been a very good sleeper going to bed with my husband at 8:00 pm and not waking up until I get up at 7:00 am the next day.  For the past 2 months, however, she insists on getting up around 3:00 am every night.  My husband was insisting she needed to go to the bathroom, but when I would get up, I would stick her in her kennal and she made no attempt to go to the door with me.  She also doesn't "rush" to the door to go outside when I do finally get up.  I've asked my husband not to let her out at night because I think she's trying to catch a rabbit and this is what it is all about.  He is stopping giving in to her request but she still gets up and goes to her kennal. I am thinking about moving it into our room to see if this changes anything.  My husband does pet her variously through the night and I think she's spoiled.  I don't know how to fix it.  She is 9 1/2 lbs.

Perhaps your bed is too warm for her.  Moving the kennel into the bed room sounds like a good idea.  

The other thing is to look for anything on a timer that might be disturbing her at 3 AM.  We once discovered a plant light was waking out puppy at 5 AM.  We fixed that.