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Grooming a Schnauzer

19 9:24:09

I found your information about grooming a Schnauzer on your website and found it very useful.  I have a black Standard Schnauzer.  I am stripping her by sections right now, and I am a little confused about how to finish her back leg furnishings.  Where the furnishings begin at the inside of the thighs, does it follow the same pattern as the outside of the thigh or do you leave more hair between the legs?
And how many inches should I leave?
I appreciate your help on this.

The inside of the thighs is not pulled, but is scissored, although since your dog is black, you may want to pull an occasional long hair or rake through that area with a stripping knife occasionally to keep the color good and dark. Basically, you want to see something of a straight line going down between the rear legs, and be careful not to make the dog look bow-legged or cow-hocked.  This would pretty much be the same on all the sizes, but the Miniatures usually have more hair than the Standards.

It is not a question of how many inches long to leave the leg hair; you want to see "straight columns of support" when looking at the legs. Again, most Standards don't have tons of furnishings, but it is important not to see hair flying every-which way when the dog moves. Be sure to scissor the hair short at the sides of the elbows so that the dog doesn't look like it elbows out when it moves.

Feel free to contact me privately about your grooming, if you wish.