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Heat Cycle: Musky smell

19 11:35:24


We brought home our 7-month-old Shiba Inu 4 days ago, and it appears she is in heat (her swollen vulva was our first indication). We have not seen any blood yet, but she does have a very musky, somewhat unpleasant odor coming from the area.

I realize that male dogs can smell her pheromones, but is her smell supposed to be so strong to humans? If so, how long should we expect it to last?


Hi Barbara,

It's possible that the odor you've been experiencing is impacted anal glands. Your vet can express them for you, and also show you how to do it yourself (if you're interested).

It's not too late to have your dog spayed. She'll gain the most health benefits if she has the surgery before her first heat cycle, but even still, there are benefits to be gained by spaying late.

Unspayed, most dogs have their estrus, or heat cycles twice a year. You should consider your pet to be "in season" for 21 days: 7 days coming into heat, 7 days in heat, 7 days going out. Though conception is most likely during the middle 7 days, Mother Nature doesn't always follow the rules. Confine your dog for the entire 3 weeks.

Best of luck,