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Lactating Lab

19 10:05:20

I have a 8 year old lab and a 4 year old Dachshund.  The Dachshund has taken to nursing on the lab, which in turn has caused the lab to begin lactating.  We have tried separating the two for several weeks on two different occasions, but when they are put back together the behavior returns.  We have also tried spray the lab with the "bitter" sprays, but both dogs seem to like the taste.  Any suggestions?

Hi Marilyn,

This certainly is a unique problem.

Have you tried "denying access" to your Dachshund by having your Lab wear a t-shirt?

Have you spoken to your veterinarian about this? If your Dachshund has just started this habit, there might be a hormonal reason that you're not aware of, but your Dachshund can smell.

Sorry I couldn't be more of a help.
