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jack russell terrier growling

19 10:36:34

Hello! I have a male jack russell (neutered). We adopted him when he was a year old about six months ago. He had not been trained at all. We have been training him since then. He is now house broken, can sit, stay, roll over. However, in the past few weeks he has started showing signs of aggression. He has growled and actually bit another dog. And, he has started growling at my fourteen year old daughter. Any advice on how to handle this? Thanks!

Yep. You need to start "Nothing in Life is Free (NILIF)" immediately. There is more than enough information online about NILIF, so I won't go into great detail about it here. If you do a search for it at or you should find plenty of information about it.

Secondly, he needs to be corrected for his aggressive behaviors. I would suggest contacting a local trainer who, preferably, can come to your house and help you work on the problem before you try to enroll in a group class with other dogs.