Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > DEFECATION


19 10:25:05

Hi there! :)
We have a Bullmastiff and he is a wonderful pet, playful with the kids and fed with dry food (brand constant- have also tried switching though) and always with water. His tempermant has been great and is 5 (human years :) He is not neutered.
He is let out to relieve himself on a run that I built that goes about 60' away from the house. It has zero resistance and is safe. Living here in the country it is not always practical to walk the dog in the woods at night.
The problem is that he defecates in the house even if he is let out multiple times daily and especially when you leave,it is an almost sure shot. Not to be funny, but I could bet on it and win. Needless to say it is a problem.  
I have been through a carpet and have nearly lost patience, but the rest of family keeps me putting up with it. The dog is great, but this practice of his is not. I am never cruel or inhumane to him, despite the frustration.
Please if you can, make some sense of this. It would help enormously.

Hi JC-

Well, at this point its time to go back to square 1 for potty training. He should be crated when you are not there, and when you are there, you need to not let him out of your sight. If you notice him beginning to position himself, then you say "NO!!!" very loudly and take him outside to finish. Praise him and reward him there. If he is defecating in the same spot in the house, move his bed, or food bowls to that spot. Dogs will not mess where they eat and sleep, which is why a crate works so well. After a few weeks of reminder training, im sure he will get the idea. He just needs to associate the house with his den- start with the crate, and he will push his idea of his home out into the house over the next few weeks. Eventually, the idea to defecate in his sleeping area (IE the house) will not cross his mind.

I hope this helps.