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Thunder frightens dog - destroys house

19 11:43:57

My dog is a 4 year old Jindo, we adopted him a year ago from a shelter.  My husband and I love this dog, he has many great qualities and he is pretty well trained (sit, stay, down, paw, heel, come, and walks off a leash).  The problem comes when it thunders.  Most noises do not bother him but the thunder terifies him.  He gets an anxious look on his face, a possessed look in his eyes, pants, drools, and wanders the house as if he is lost or looking for a way out.  Even when we were out side he tried to hide from the loud thunder, he wanted to run under the trees.  As long as we are home he does not destroy anything, just wanders, drools, pants.  When we are not home and a thunder storm happens, who knows the destruction that we WILL come home to.  He has knocked the TVs on the floor, eaten furniture and he especially loves to eat cardboard boxes...  We recently moved to an apartment with carpet.  Today we were out and it started to thunder and rain. We came home to a cardboard box destroyed with contents strewn about the floor, his blood dotted on the carpet and some on the walls, and he ripped up some of the carpet, the foam under the carpet and peed where he destroyed the box.  We tried anxiety meds, but if we are not expecting rain or not home when it starts the meds are not helpful.  What can we do to try to change his fears and behavior.  My husband has had enough and wants to take the dog to the pound.  I want to keep the dog.  Please help.  And we do not know the dogs history with previous owners.

Well what you can try is to put him either in a room that you don't care about,or put him in a crate when you go out,and when you are home and it rains,that way he is contained and protects him and your house

What you can try as well,is call around to dog trainers and ask them if there is anyway to stop him from acting like that,some trainers may even come to the house when he is acting like that