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19 9:47:06

I am a first time pit owner, i was just looking through pics of pitbull, my pit zoey looks alittle thinner than most i see... she is 3 1/2 months and i feed her 2 times a day of science diet for large breed.... latley it seems that she doesnt want to eat all that i give her, i have inspected her poop and have found no worms or anything-- "was told to do that", also she weighs about 16 lbs , whats a typical weight if there is one... thank you so much

I will tell you that the weight is not the answer, it is the dog's make up that will determine how it other words, if her genetics are not to the "Standard" then it does not matter how much she weighs today, it matters what her body can handle.
If she is not eating as much as you are giving her, scale back by one third, see what happens.
A dog that does not have to work after her diet, will become bored..too much is not good.
Take her to get wormed anyways, as you will not see them in her stool. They are microscopic.
A young dog always needs worming once a month.
Until she reaches one year old.
This way, if there is a parasite that is cycling, it will be knocked down.
If she is thinner, then, she does have parasites!
This is a sure indicator.
And, you can have your vet check her vitals her heart, etc, to make sure she does not have a "heart murmur" as this will dictate for sure if she will be able to be healthy and gain weight!
Check these things out with a good Vet, and let me know how she does.
Best wishes,