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wasp sting on puppy

19 9:21:44

4 month old english bull do stung on the eyelid..should we do anything

Hi Kathy,

Thank you for writing to me.  Poor baby pup -

Give him some baby benedryl to bring the swelling down.  

- #1: Remove the stinger. Do Not squeeze it this will inject more venom.

-#2: Clean the area.

-#3: Crush Plantain leaves extracting the juice and applying to the area.

-#4: Apply toothpaste on the sting.

-#5: A homeopathic remedy that can be very helpful is Apis Mallifica, 30x it reduces inflammation and pain, burning and stinging.

-#6: A homeopathic remedy called Cantharis 30c is good for bee or wasp stings.

-#7: Insect bite lotion:

1 tsp. lavender essential oil.
1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
Mix the ingredients and apply it directly on the injury. Do not use around eyes.

-#8: Lavender stops itching and reduces swelling.

-#9: Extra strength sting poultice.

1 tbsp. echinacea root tincture.
1 tbsp. distilled water.
1/8 tsp. lavender essential oil.
1 tbsp. bentonite clay.
Mix the echinacea, water and lavender. Add liquid slowly to the clay while stirring. Once mixed, the resulting paste should stick to the skin. Apply on the injured area. Store the poultice in a tight lid container, if it does dry out add water until moisten enough to stick to the skin.
-#10: Jewelweed is used to reduce itching and soothe the skin, take two or three leaves, break them and apply the juice over the injured area.

Best of luck.  Don't forget to rate your expert!

Shelley Davis