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Schnauzer stains

19 13:43:49

I have 2 Schn.and the older 2 year old has passed most of the summer days outside and has thick white furnishing, be it not immaculate white but still white. My newest Schn. is a 10 month puppy which has passed all spring inside my home and summer days outside with her uncle the 2 year old with a bath every week. Here furnishing are very yellowish in color. I have been feeding both dogs First Choice since 1 year now. If they are both on the same food, why is one much more yellowish than the other?
The text above is a follow-up to ...

How do conformation schnauzer dog coats get so white? What do they use to make the coat so WHITE? It's not just chalk, I have read, equal portions of 20 volume Peroxide,milk of magnesia and corn starch. Is that it?
Actually, the key is to keep them from becoming stained in the first place. This is done by feeding a quality diet, keeping the teeth clean (primary cause of staining due to pH of the saliva), and bathing the furnishings frequently. I use shampoo with bluing, or I put laundry bluing in the products I use (like the conditioner). The dogs are bathed the morning of the show (or the night before), and then the furnishings are chalked on the clean dog.

That recipe you have is used to lighten the hair on an already stained dog.


This "discoloration" could just be the genetics of that particular dog. Furnishings come in various shades, from nearly white to a pewter-gray, and some are sort of a tan. It could also be that your youngster is licking its legs and staining them, but could be doing it when it is crated or at night. I have one here that I never see licking, yet it is obvious that he has been... probably during the night. Occasionally, I hear of one that seems to clean itself much like a cat.

Try using bluing in your bathing products and see if that doesn't help. One product that I really like is Farnum White N Brite, an intensely purple horse shampoo. It dilutes well and you should be able to find it anywhere that sells horse products. Let the shampoo sit in the hair for a few minutes.
