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puppies and older dog and crates

19 9:46:19


Emma and Maddie
Good Afternoon-thank you for taking the time to read my questions.  We're experienced dog owners- 1st dog Maggie was a single and was with us for 14 years, then Sam the lab for 11 years, Maddie the Bishon joined Sam for most of his life, and Emma the currently 12 week old lab joined us Dec 11th, she shares us with Maddie. So Maddie's 10, and super sweet. Too sweet-Emma is wearing out her patience/fur/tail - and ours. Everything I've read so far says they'll work it out, but it's been 4 weeks today. Maddie can't walk through the room with out getting pounced on by Emma. Emma bites the fur on her cheeks, and this started yesterday, she'll climb on her shoulders and drape her front legs over Maddie. Maddie has NEVER gotten in a play bow, but once in awhile she'll wag her tail (I know that doens't necissarily mean she's happy) while barking and growling at Emma. - I will occasionally let them out to potty seperately so Maddie has some peace. They can walk together with a leash, because Maddie's leash is long and Emma can't reach her. I do think Emma's smart (typical mom right?) she's 99% potty trained, can sit, stay, shake, turn right, working on down-why is that so hard, and roll over.  We will take an obeidence class in March. I also think Emma's trying to be the Alpha dog-taking over Maddie's bed, in and out doors first.  I'm happy to try anything for Maddie to be happier-Emma's happy as a clam, but I do wish Maddie was a better "guide" for her. I'm currently reading Ceasar M's book on puppies.  Also-Emma's in a crate at night. When she was younger I would put her in her crate when she was sleeping-she never whined or was unhappy. Now she howls at night when she goes in- for maybe 7-20 min. How can we help her like her crate more. I've read feeding her in there might help-which I've done a little of.

Thank you thank you thank you!

Hi Julie;
I hope I am answering your question, as there was a lot of information.
But, when you bring in more than one dog in your equation, it is most important that you have the "Same" routine for all dogs....otherwise, someone like "kids" will feel slighted!
They are smart, and they will see the difference if you have one in a crate, and see the others outside, then they will think they are being "punished"!!!
So, do use the crate equally, and use it as a "Time out" during the day, as well as the night time "Potty" training issue.
Even if your older dog is "Potty" trained, keep her in a separate crate, near the puppies, this way they will learn from her~
Feeding is okay in the crate, but, remember, you are using it as a "Time Out" and they need to have the idea that they are not participating in the regular environment unless they do something to "Earn their way out"!!!
So, fussing is normal.
Put some ear plugs in your ears,
And, relax....
It will happen, it takes consistency and the routine will fall into their normal thought pattern!
So, they will be submissive over time.
Don't take them out the minute they howl!
That teaches them to get out really fast.
Put them in, and put music on, and go somewhere else in the house..or at night, blanket them, and tell them  good night.
And if they howl, say "Quiet" and mean it!
This will be again harder for you than for them.
So, be sure that you are doing this for the best of the routine for the long term!
Patience and time, you will see it will work out.
Best regards,