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playing fetch with my doberman dog

19 10:52:50

hi I'm try to teach my 4 year old Doberman to play fetch but she wont even run after the ball/Frisbee never mind pick it up or bring it back to me can you help me in any way thanks Justin

It seems hard to believe, but I see other such questions.  Try a tennis ball.  Most dogs love them.  You do need to be careful with them and chewers.  A Dobe could easily destroy one and choke on the pieces.  Teach her it is very high value to you.  After all, likely you place great value on things like keys, remotes, your wallet. etc. that she sees little value in.  Crazy people, you can't eat it, what good is it?  Just happen to have her outside with you while you play with it, throwing it up and catching it, bouncing it off the ground or sidewalk, etc.  Another person to play catch with will help.  Laugh and run around like you are having a good time.  Eventually let it go bouncing by her and run after it.  If she chases it, praise her.  She should slowly decide it is fun playing with you.  Just be a little careful she doesn't decide the remote is a good toy too.