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Is cat food dangerous for my dog

19 11:07:19

My neighbor told me that cat food is dangerous for my dog,
I usually let my dog finish my cats bowl so it doesn't go to waste and she loves it.

Judy, cat food is not 'dangerous' for your dog, but it >>can<< cause stomach upset and/or soft stools in some dogs because of the higher protein content (which is also why most dogs love cat food - more protein). There's no >>harm<< in letting your dog finish your cat's bowl, but my question is why let her? Why not just pick the cat bowl up when the cat is through eating, and offer what's left, with some additional added, if necessary, the next time you need to feed the cat? Or simply putting less food in the bowl, so there >>IS<< no leftover food?

I imagine your dog is probably a bit on the pudgy side, if you are feeding her the appropriate amount of dog food AND she's also eating the cat's leftovers. That would be another reason not to let her eat the cat food.