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skin problem?

19 9:32:49

i noticed on my 11mnth old boxer 2 small bald patches on his skull they visualy look like scar marks but he hasnt been in contact with any other animals i flea treated him but they dnt irritate him and is it also normal for him too cast as much hair at this time of year


Hi David,

No, it's not normal for a dog to shed so much hair that it has bald patches.

The only way to know what's going on is to have your dog examined by your vet. A skin scrape test (a simple test done at the vet's office) would need to be done to rule out parasites. Keep in mind, some forms of skin mites are microscopic, so you wouldn't see them. There are metabolic conditions such as Hypothyroidism that can cause hair loss, so blood work may be needed. Hypothyroidism is common in the Boxer Breed.

If you are having trouble afford veterinary care, first talk to your regular vet. Ask your veterinarian if he or she will let you work out a payment plan. Many veterinarians are willing to work out a weekly or monthly payment plan so that you do not have to pay the entire cost of veterinary care up front. If you don't have a regular vet, try call all the vets in your community, some might be cheaper than others. Ask friends and family to lend you the money necessary for the office visit, you may be able to get an advance on your salary if you explain the situation to your employer.

Another option is to contact your local shelter or Humane Society. Some shelters operate or know of local subsidized veterinary clinics or veterinary assistance programs. If you happen to live within driving distance to veterinary school, check with them to see if they offer discount services to the public. There are two special credit cards to apply for which help with medical bills (including veterinary bills) read about them here:

Best of luck,
