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Best Brand Dog Food for Chihuahua

19 11:52:55

Hi Kristen,
I have read your answer about best brand dog food, it was definately helpful!! Thanks. I have a 6 and a half months male chihuahua, and currently I'm feeding him Eagle Pack. Recently, I read about the brand "Addiction", it has wild Kangooroo meat, and I want to give him that, but I need an expert opinion first. Thanks.

Honestly, Rexy, unless your dog has allergies to other meats, I would not recommend feeding him a kangaroo-based food. There's nothing *wrong* with it; it seems like a fine food, but foods made with 'exotic' meat proteins, such as emu, kangaroo, rabbit, venison, etc. are not good to feed a 'normal' dog on a regular basis because then you have nowhere to turn if your dog *does* develop an allergy to the meat. These foods were created for dogs that cannot eat regular dog foods that are made out of chicken, lamb, or beef. It says so right on the Addiction web site, as a matter of fact.

"The Addiction range is made exclusively from Novel Proteins and Game Meats instead of commonly used chicken, beef or lamb.

Novel proteins are hypoallergenic to dogs not previously exposed to them therefore provide a natural solution to dogs that are allergic to chicken, beef or lamb."