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how often do dogs get shots?

19 11:33:25

My dog will turn 2 next month, he has 2 sets of shots..his puppy shots and then another round of shots 6 weeks later.. Is this all he needs or is he due for another round, and if so what kind of shots? please send all responses to my email as I dont know if I'll be able to find this page again :) hehe
Thanks, Angel

Hi Angel,

Thank you for writing to me about your dog and vaccinations.  

Vaccinations have been known to cause autoimmune responses, often seen as skin problems. After the initial puppy shots, your dog is likely immune for life.  Giving additional vaccinations, puts your dogs health and life
at risk.  The only shot that you will absolutely need to give is a three year rabies which should be adjusted to your dog's weight. Titer readings every three years when you give your dog his rabies shot will tell you if the original vaccinations are still active.

I recommend exploring the following information:

Product: Vaccininum Vaccinotoxinum 200C 75 pellets.

Vaccininum is also known under name Vaccinotoxinum and is a nosode from vaccine morbid matter. May be used in conjunction with other health therapies to offset vaccine reaction. Remedy is listed for skin ailments after vaccine reaction. Neuralgias, skin eruptions, eczema. Additional
information in the book Homeopathic Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy.

Questions/Orders 1-800-390-9970 10 am to 5 pm PST Monday - Friday;   EMAIL

Below are some sites that will explain the dangers of vaccinations:

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Shelley Davis