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my poor puppy...

19 11:25:33

We have an Old English Sheep Dog, 14 months old, rescued her at 8 weeks.  
She started acting strange Sunday night, Monday she was vomiting and
lethargic.  She was not drinking or eating.  Took her to the vet, she was
diagnosed with gastric issue and given injection for slight dehydration and
injection for vomiting.  Next day, still vomiting and very distant, panting,
drooling and seemed very weak.  We went back to the vet, her blood work is
normal, no pain around abdomen, but all of these awful symptoms.  The vet
has kept her for 2 days and is treating for pancreatitis even though there are
no "textbook" symptoms.  Barium was given yesterday, she held it down, but
it has not moved through her system as quickly as they would like.  She is
being kept on IV fluids and pain meds to keep her comfortable,
Of course, I am so worried because the vet doesn't seem to be real sure of
what is wrong with you think I need to take her to another vet for
another opinion?

Absolutely. It never hurts to have more than one opinion and since your vet is obviously stumped he shouldn't mind one bit. Has he done blood work at all? Xray's to rule out a blockage? What about bloat? Antibiotics?
Definitely definitely get a second opinion and quickly