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Time Away

19 11:16:40

Hello there, I'm looking at getting a new dog (probably German Shepherd) but am concerned about the time away from it I may be spending at work. I work a M-F, 8-5 job like many people and spend about 9-10 hours away from home every day. Despite the fact that I will be gone such a large portion of the day, I do plan on spending the majority of my time home with the dog exercising, training and just being with it. What advice can you offer about me leaving my dog at home for that period of time? I've heard advice ranging from, "a dog needs at least 1-2 hours of personal human contact per day," to "it's inhumane to leave your dog alone for more than 8 hours a day.."

Perhaps I am worse yet.  I hate to see a dog left more than 4-5 hours at a time.  Nothing wrong with leaving the dog all day as long as it gets a break mid day.  If you can't make it back, try to find a neighbor or professional dog walker.  If you leave it all day, you may have a terrible time housebreaking a puppy.