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My Friends Mean Dog

19 14:18:22

I dont know if you might know the answer to my question, but I liked your profile and thought I'd take the risk. Anyhow here goes....

My friend has a male Akita, (Gomer) about 3 or 4 y.o. I think, and he is very territorial about his house (and very protective of his master.) He will growl and/or bark at me if I dont come in with my friend (opposed to when I come in with him, he is to excited to see his master to bother with me I think.)  And I could never attempt to pet or touch him in any way, I would very possibly loose my hand. My friend has told me many stories of others that have sworn they have a way with dogs and tried, and came back with a damaged hand. I have known Gomer about 1&1/2 years now, and once he even tried to bite me when I reached toward my friend to adjust his clothing or something, I cant exactly remember.
Bottom line, I am less than an inch away from being terrified of this dog, and not going to my friends house anymore. Also, my friend is a very dominant master to him and gomer is very obidient in all other aspects.

So is there any way that I can get Gomer to trust me?

thanks so much!
Geoff Cusic

Dear Geoff

Not without Gromer's owner wanting to change the dogs behavior.

I will give you the best source, I know of, to help you answer your  question. You need to be aware of the three main causes of dog behavior problems. They are improper training, improper relationship and lack of training.

Gomer owner will need to undo what the previous training has done with reprogramming. Dr. Meisterfeld's book Jelly Bean versus Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde explains rage type behavior the detrimental effects of improper training techniques. Too retrain him I recommend the book Psychological Dog Training by C.W. Meisterfeld. Check with your local library for the books or do a C.W. Meisterfeld search on the web.

Be advised he may already be too dangerous to be reprogrammed even with the owners willingness to do so.

Once you have studied the books suggested you may be able to explain, to the owner, some of the possable reasons why the dog is aggressive.

You must consider that the owner wants the dog the way he is

James Webster