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Stopping my dog pulling when walking

19 9:14:01

Hi,how can I teach my chinese crested (hairless) to stop pulling when we were are out walking? He is just five months old at the moment.


Hi Ella,

This is the time to get your puppy trained to walk nicely on the leash. You can read about how to do that here:

If you've already tried to train your puppy to walk nicely on a leash by reading about what to do, and haven't had much success, then it's time to get some help from a live person who can evaluate you and your puppy together, and show you what you're doing wrong. A local dog obedience class is what I'm talking about. Your vet's office or local boarding kennels can probably give you a referral to a class. An obedience class is a great place for your puppy to learn other important commands that he should know. Come, "stay", "down", "sit", "leave it" are all very helpful commands you would benefit from having your dog know.

Best of luck,
