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1 year old dog wont stop going pee and poop in the house!

19 11:00:53

Please help- I am at my wits end.  We have three dogs, Lexi is the youngest at a year old.  She pees on my husband and my bed, and she poops and pees in our boys' room.  We have a dog door so she can go out any time she needs to.  We have to keep our bedroom door closed at all times because if it is open for even a minute she will go in and pee on the bed.  I have tried rubbing her nose in it, I have tried banishing her outside or in the bathroom (she will just scratch at the door for hours on end), I have tried putting her in a kennel when she does it... all of this only  fixes the problem temporarily and then she starts in again.  All of our animals have been fixed, and we always make sure to assert ourselves as alpha but this doesn't seem to keep her from doing this.  It is ruining our mattress and I am tired of washing the sheets constantly.  We love her and would rather not get rid of her so what do we do????

Please help... thank you so much!!!

Hi Tyler,

Marking is an annoying problem! Especially when it's your bed!! Where do you want her to go? Take her there on a schedule and act like it's the coolest thing she ever did when she goes in that spot.

Best to lose all the negative reinforcement: nose rubbing, banishing etc. as it is probably making things worse. Think less alpha more benevolent leader. Who ever's side she is marking on that person feeds her, controls access to all good thing like walks and toys and give her a special spot to sleep in your room. If she is allowed on the bed sometimes, maybe not until this is well resolved!

Change whatever you are cleaning up with to a different enzyme based cleaner like Simple Solution or Nature's Miracle, over time she may start to associate the smell of the cleaner with the scent post that has become your bed. A different smelling cleaner will help.

Backing up a bit, if she is a year old and still peeing and pooping in the house, you may want to treat this as a house training issue. She may never have been totally house trained.

I would control the food and water, don't leave it down all day, but don't deny her water either-that will cause her to over drink and then you will really have a pee problem! And yes that means that you have to control the food and water for all three.

Lastly, after a fair effort with these new options, she is till peeing and pooping, she needs to see the vet to rule out UTI and worms.