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Nursing Puppies

19 10:18:11

My poodle's puppies are 8 weeks old. They are nursing and also eating dry
puppy food. Yesterday, the puppies were taken to the vet where they received
first vaccinations. The vet said that the efficacy of the shots would be
diminished, if we permitted the pups to continue to nurse. The mother is
crying because her mammaries are swollen and the puppies are crying
because they want to nurse. Can we permit mom to continue to nurse the
pups? what is the best course of action?


I have been showing and breeding dogs as well as doing rescue for 10 years. I have never once heard that allowing puppies to nurse will cause the vaccine to become less effective. I would continue to allow the puppies to nurse and wean on their own. THe mother should be weaning them very soon. Please remember that until your puppies have all three puppy vaccines they are NOT protected against Parvo or distemper.