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19 9:53:18

i have a 6 month old puppy who has a bad problem, if he is told 'NO' in strict but firm manner he either hides on his bed or he cowers near the partner who has not disciplined him.Then he wees whilst looking is not a small amount but a large amount and he doesn't stop. it has become a serious problem to the point of him doing it everytime he is scolded for doing something he shouldn't be, like chewing things he shouldn't be.
  He is walked regularly,given affection regularly and has lots of stimulating toys and is never left alone for longer than an hour.Is there anything you can suggest to break him of this habit?
we love him to pieces and hate seeing him this way it's upsetting and frustrating all at the same time. i don't know what i can do.

Your puppy has a very sensitive temperament, and what he's doing is "submissive urination."  I would recommend building his confidence through obedience training, joining a class or working with a trainer.  Even agility training or confidence obstacles will help a lot.  You cannot punish submissive urination, its like an involuntary reaction meant to appease you, in dog language it is a white flag to the more dominant dog.  Punishment or scolding will make it worse, especially when the dog doesn't really understand why he's being punished, or what he's supposed to do instead.  Babying the dog also won't help.  We don't want dogs to be submissive, you want to build confidence, and be able to reward for the good things.