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Old dog, new puppy

19 9:53:18


My two older brothers, my dad and I have had Maggie (lhapa apso) since she was 1, she is now 10. My brothers have moved out and my dad  and I decieded to get a new dog. His name is Simba, a 10 month old Shiba inu. Maggie has always been more dominate and doesn't get along with dogs or people right away she often gets jealous or tries to protect us. Since Simba is a puppy he loves to play and Maggie is more interested in walks, resting and of course getting our attention. We had asked the pervious owner if we could see how the 2 dogs acted together before we make a decision. So Simba stayed over for the weekend. Maggie growled, barked and jumped at him on many occasions Simba doesn't do much - except over that weekend 2 times he had attacked her. He is bigger than her so he's able to get on top of her. I think they were over food. We wanted to keep him but didn't want anything to happen to Maggie so we gave him back and told the owner if he doesn't find a better home we will take him. He came over that week and   we decided to keep him he attacked maggie twice again. I'm not sure how to discipline him and get her to stop snapping and growling at him.

Thanks for your help

Hi Katrina,

Thank you for writing to me about Maggie and Simba.  It doesn't seem fair that Maggie, who is older, has to put up with an aggressive puppy.  If food is the trigger, then feed them seperately.  It is never a good idea to have food out for two dogs because it can trigger a deadly fight.

It's time to bring in a trainer who uses positive reinforcement.  Ask your vet for a referral.

This situation may not work out due to the difference in age and temperment.  In the meantime, keep them seperate and give the puppy a ton of vigorous exercise.
