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dog not feeling good..

19 9:15:20

My 15 month old gsd (female) is not eating anything from last two days. She was eating selected things as per her like till day before yesterday. I consulted a vet , he said that this is normal and prescribed piperazine for deworming. But still my dog is not eating anything and now from the last two days she stopped eating anything.
I am trying everything including pedigree, yogurt and many more things..but she's not eating anything. She is also not feeling well and looks tired.
Though she is showing signs of vomiting or stools, but i am worried about her health. Plz advice.
ALso like to mention that she is timely vaccinated and dewormed.

i did little research on internet..i believe this is not DM...plz advice..

Why on earth would your veterinarian think this was normal? A normal, healthy dog eats every single day.... unless it is being over-fed or has learned to be a fussy eater.

What is "DM"?

If she is vomiting or having diarrhea, she should be fasted for 24 hours, and then easy-to-digest food should be introduced gradually in very small, but frequent, amounts (like a teaspoon every two hours). If she starts to vomit again, fast her again for 24 hours.

Have you taken her temperature? Normal range is 100-102. Everyone should know what is normal for his individual dog. Here normal for my dogs is in the 100-degree range. If one of my dogs was 102, that would be a fever.

You do not mention if your dog is spayed or intact, but if she is still intact, she could have pyometra (an infected uterus). You need to find a different veterinarian immediately; she needs to be seen.