Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > pomerian lost bottom front tooth and 9.5 lbs

pomerian lost bottom front tooth and 9.5 lbs

19 14:16:49

Followup To
Question -
why would she loose tooth. and what can i give her for overweight and are there anyother common illness with pomerians small breed normal weight should be 5 lbs
Answer -
Hi, First off, how old is your Pomeranian and how much does the pomeranian weigh now?  Let me know, and maybe I can help.

Dawn Hi she is 5yrs old in June she is 9;5 pounds thanks for your response

Hi, how do her teeth look?  Has she had her teeth cleaned lately?  Dogs just like people need their teeth kept up or they will start to lose them as they get older.  9 pounds is not that bad for a pomeranian unless she looks overweight.  As far as common illnesses in Pomeranians, you can check out the website of the Pomeranian club of America.  They should have a wealth of information on Poms.

Hope this helps,
