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Jumping over the fence.

19 10:52:11

I have three rescue dogs.  The second oldest is an Akita and German Shepard mix, according to vet and traits. She was a severely abused animal and took me almost 5 years to get her to feel comfortable enough with me to bathe, clean wounds, etc., without her growling.  I still cannot cut her nails and this is the first year that she got shots without being muzzled or breaking needles.   She is well trained in that she listens, sits, etc. and follows commands and is great with kids.  THe biggest problem is that she has started jumping over the fence.  WE have raised it, provided her with a vibrating collar, had a trainer meet with her, sprayed stuff, and the electronic fence, etc.  But she only does it when we are not out there with her.  She only does it when the dog on the other side of the fence is there.  Nothing seems to deter her.  She began becoming aggressive with my pit bull mix, another rescue abused animal.  She won't back down.  She has snapped at me, bitten me twice, when I was pulling her off the fence and cutting her nails.  Both of these occasions were more than two ears ago.  She has come along way in the last 1 1/2 years at being more calm and letting people dress her wounds, but the jumping has not ceased.  ANy suggestions? My Pit BUll shows dominating behaviors towards the Akita, so we have been working on further training with her. The BOrder COllie mix is docile with everyone.  He just stays out of their way unless he needs to get them to back of, in which case both of the females do.  They all submit to me 100% of the time, except for Sadie (the akita) when she is distracted by the other dogs.  She has not fought the other dogs when she has gotten over the fence.  So, I am not sure what else to do.  Right now, she is being locked in during the day. WHich I don't want to do!
THanks for the help!

Well what you can try is to put her on a tie out,that is as long as your yard,but is tight about a foot before the fences,this is something a lot of people have to do when all else fails

Also something else I have heard people do is around the fence,put about three feet of chain link fencing tilted slightly upwards and inside,and that often stops them from climbing/jumping

As for her fighting with the pitbull,what often works,is to muzzle both dogs,then let them sort out who is in charge,and once they know that,without hurting each other it usually stops